Hi I’m Kate

Hello everyone my name is Kate and I am the owner of this collection of goodies! I am 32 years old and work out of my home somewhere in Illinois. I have a beautiful child named Ahsoka and she is the biggest orange ball of fur on the block.

I come from a long line of crafter and in the last few years I have enjoyed learning new skills to find my place in the creative world. My mother and her mother are both savvy sewers and have created things from wedding dresses to all my old Halloween costumes. I wanted to follow in their footsteps so I asked for a sewing machine for Christmas one year which led me to where I am today.

I’ve been stepping out of my box and have been experimenting with other mediums which has been a blast! I can not wait to see where my creative brain takes me and am glad you all are here to join in the fun!!

I would also like to thank my mom, dad and even my little sister who have always encouraged me to try new things. I would like to thank my closest friends and my other half Eddy who listen to my crazy ideas and even help me create some pretty neat things! Without their support I would never have to guts to do something like this and I will be forever grateful.


How we tie our shop Bow ties